Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hit the ground running...

We didn't waste much time after getting off the plane before we started working today!  We discovered just days before arriving that the project materials couldn't be delivered until the day we landed, so we went from the airport straight to the job site to unload 3 truckloads of sand, 3 truckloads of stone, and 4 truckloads of cinder blocks!

Aminta, the woman whose house we are working on, lives at the bottom of a very steep hill.  It is so steep that the delivery trucks couldn't make it all the way down with a full load, so they dumped the materials halfway down and then we had to take it the rest of the way by hand!  Thankfully, the family as well as some other missionaries and Guatemalans from the local church that Aminta attends showed up and helped us.  We knew we had to get it done before nightfall and we just barely made it.

When we got to Dylan and Missy's house after a long afternoon, we quickly showered and then got to enjoy carrot tostadas!  It's a lovely blend of carrots, onions, and chicken on a tostada accompanied with mayonnaise and cheese sauce.  We prayed that God would use it to help us recuperate from hiking up and down that hill a thousand times each carrying everything down to the job site.

At least the hardest part is over...or so we hope!


  1. I thought we had a team down there! Why are Missy and Jon doing all of the work?

  2. Because everyone else is taking pictures...I mean, they are working so hard and fast it is difficult to get a shot of them!
